Eric Edmund Morris

Eric Morris was born in Indwe, South Africa in 1912. In 1936 he obtained his Commercial Pilots Licence from Johannesburg South Africa.

His war service included the Kenya Auxiliary Air Unit training local pilots and as a ferry pilot in the RAF. He bacame one of the initial 15 employees of EAA in 1946 quickly rising to Chief Pilot.

He passed away on April 1st 2002 in Margate, South Africa.

One thought on “Eric Edmund Morris

  • Yvonne Hulbert nee Falkner Nathan

    I had the privilege of working with Capt. Eric Morris as his Sales & PR understudy, in BOAC & British Airways, Durban, RSA,1967-1979’s. Always a gracious gentleman – well respected and loved by all the Staff and South African tourism community. Our mentor/ District Manager was Gerry McGillivray, doyen of Durban’s Tourism
    industry – an inspirational pioneering flyer of the Imperial Airways/BOAC flying boats on the Europe to Cape Town routes. So privileged was I.!!


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