
Please leave a message in the Guestbook

227 entries.
Hesse C Mhango Hesse C Mhango wrote on 17th July 2017 at 9:54 pm
Was with EAA from October 1965 till finito, 1977. Worked in Traffic Department at Dar airport and briefly at Kilimanjaro.  If you were a captain on the fleet, chances are I must have completed one or two weight and balance documents which you had to sign before take off.  Best wishes to all you good people.
Mike Madin Mike Madin wrote on 26th June 2017 at 2:05 pm
Sorry, forgot the email address in case anyone can help me.
Mike Madin Mike Madin wrote on 26th June 2017 at 2:02 pm
Hi, I was on r&r out of the copperbelt first week of May 1972 and flew out of Entebbe on an EAA Twin Otter to Paraa Lodge in the Murchison Falls, N. Park. Canadian Captain and just 4 of us as pax. He buzzed the Lodge and dropped us off then headed back to Entebbe. We sat at the grass strip for a couple of hours in the cab of the old red Bedford fire truck. The lodge apparently did not hear him buzz them and they only found out when they radioed Entebbe to find out where we were. Great weeks holiday at the lodge( magnificent old bulls skull with mounted tusks in the reception) spoiled by security in Entebbe taking the film from my camera on the way out. The reason for the rambling post; is there anyone out there who can give me the gps coordinates of the old grass strip which Paraa Lodge used before they built the one they use now. Thanking you all in anticipation. I also lived and worked in Kisuma, before, during and after the break up. Wonderful memories
Chris Duirs Chris Duirs wrote on 24th June 2017 at 10:41 am
My father, Bill Duirs, flew with EAA for some years in the 1960s. DC3, Twin Otter. F27 and SVC10 before moving on to Gulf (Aviation) Air. Bill retired in 1984 from Gulf and died in New Zealand in 2010: I'd appreciate any photos, or memorabilia that anyone could let me have regarding his time with EAA. We were a Kenya family from way back, Bill having flown with Campling and Wilson after WWII, farmed in Molo/Turi and done some hours during the Emergency with KPAW.
Prof.Dr.Gabor A. BALINT Prof.Dr.Gabor A. BALINT wrote on 3rd June 2017 at 4:39 am
At the beginning of the 1970s and onwards, we, - together with my family,- used to use quite a number of times the EAA. ( In those years I was a member of staff of the Makerere University Medical School, Kampala. Nice old times...) EAA was a reliable and good airlines. It's a pity that it was closed, BUT at the present time Kenya Airways ( KQ ) what I use now is a very good and high level replacement.
Christopher Lutara Christopher Lutara wrote on 28th May 2017 at 6:46 pm
His full are WILSON OKUMU LUTARA, CEO, EAA 1967-1971. My e-mail is Thx
Christopher Lutara Christopher Lutara wrote on 28th May 2017 at 6:40 pm
My father was the CEO of EAA from 1967 to 1971. If anyone has any pictures if him during that time, pse send me mail. Thx
Dilip Patel Dilip Patel wrote on 22nd May 2017 at 10:57 am
Further to my last message below, my email address is:
Dilip Patel Dilip Patel wrote on 22nd May 2017 at 10:53 am
Our travel agency EQUATORIAL AGENCIES LTD in Jinja were the handling agents for EAA at Jinja airport from 1950 until 1972. Our main office was in Kampala.We also had a branch in Nairobi for a few years during the 60s. I would very much appreciate it if anyone has any photos photo of the airport or any other information from those days.
Maina Munyeria Maina Munyeria wrote on 23rd February 2017 at 5:59 am
My Late Grandmother Ms.Agatha Bilha Wanjiru used to work as a flight attend for EAA till it wound up then Kenya Airways till the early 1980s. She inspired me so much with Stories, Letters, Payslips, Photos and Souvenirs from the various Destinations they went to,that I pursued flying and also flight operations. Currently a young Flight Operations Officer in Nairobi. If anyone remembers her my
Mary Hines Mary Hines wrote on 10th September 2016 at 7:57 am
just put message on re Michael rigby my cousin, my name was Rigby and I am John's daughter my cousin Christopher is also wanting to find him he is Kathleen and Ted's son. Michael was the son of Tom and Rita Rigby
Mary Hines Mary Hines wrote on 10th September 2016 at 7:41 am
Looking to find our cousin Michael Rigby who I believe was pilot with this airline he had brother Peter lost touch with their family when my parents died if anyone knows him could they let me know there are 5 cousins who would love to get in touch Mary, Therese, John, Christopher and Denise  
Capt. Samuel G. Madaba Capt. Samuel G. Madaba wrote on 16th August 2016 at 6:21 am
it was a great airline....!!..just missed it since i finished my flying training at Perth, Scotland 1977. i have been a pilot since then up till 2006 when i joined Civil Aviation Authority Uganda as one of their now flying a desk...!!
David Hunter David Hunter wrote on 9th August 2016 at 10:08 am
Joined EAA in Glasgow in 1973 as local manager until the end of the airline in 1977. Made many friends during this time in the UK, Nairobi and Mombasa. After the closure,went on to work for Kenya Airways in Scotland and as UK Sales Manager for a while, but many of the EAA 'characters' were not so lucky.
Graham Hill Graham Hill wrote on 4th August 2016 at 12:52 pm
Loved the website. I was a regular passenger with EAA in the 70's having a home in Nairobi but attending boarding school in the UK. I did my first unaccompanied flight on one of the VC10s in March 1971 aged 8 years! I drew a picture of one of the air hostesses and I wonder if she still has it! Flying was such an adventure in those days compared to the mundane business it has since become. I remember Captain Rose, who flew the DC aircraft on internal routes, and his particular brand of dry humour.
Mpagi Livingstone Bukeka Mpagi Livingstone Bukeka wrote on 17th June 2016 at 5:21 am
Wishing you all a great Reunion 2016 My father Bukeka Nelson worked with EAA.I am interested in hearing some stories and photos from you people my father worked with. Best regards Livy
Arild Smith-Christensen- alias Smithy Arild Smith-Christensen- alias Smithy wrote on 13th May 2016 at 6:43 am
I have just signed the guest book, but as a second thought making me give a bit more info. IFrom 1966 flew all the a/c in EAA, except the VC10 and the 707. I had decided to end my flying career before turning 40, by then being a capt on DC 9. I resigned just before the end of EAA, only being scheduled for a month 'farewell' flying in February. However on my return, standing at Oslo airport with my tickets for Nairobi, I was told by SAS that all EAA tickets were being made redundant the previous night, but SAS gave me a class II free ticket to Nairobi and return to Oslo.  For me a new life began working for the Norwegian CAA, where I ot the job as Head of the Incensing Department. Eventually working in ECAC being a chairman of various committees. The CAA made me keep my licencees currant, last being checked out on 757 and 767.  Then came 1994 and the University of Oslo got a request from the new government in South Africa to assist in restructuring the 'Black Universities'. My wife was offered the job, and took it because of my longing for Africa. This resulting in a life of 6 month in Norway and 6 month in SA. A life pattern still going on, having a home in both places.  I am contact with Capt. Erik Molberg and plan to take part in the EAA reunion in June 2016 in UK, which Erik and Jerry arranges. "Mgeni njoo, mwenyeji apone". Hope to see you there! - To get to know where the winds blew you.
Smithy Smithy wrote on 13th May 2016 at 5:45 am
One tend to forget the often agony of operations. Nevertheless: those were the days.A very very good time.
Robert Whittingham Robert Whittingham wrote on 25th April 2016 at 5:26 am
I was on the RAF VC10 crew that took the survivors to the UK after the tragic crash in Addis Ababa. I can still see the broken runway lights and the t tail visible at the end of the runway as we landed and taxied by. It was supposed to be a night stop but the injuries to the pax was so severe we turned round as quick as possible and due to crew duty time took off for RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus. Does anyone know any survivors on that aircraft that we took to the UK?
BHARAT PARMAR BHARAT PARMAR wrote on 1st April 2016 at 7:11 am
I would like to hear from anybody who remembers my Late father Mr Amrit Parmar. I still have his Staff Uniform and also flight Diaries. He worked for EAA I think between 1955 to 1971 - Head Purser  My e mail is if anybody cares to get in touch with me