
Please leave a message in the Guestbook

221 entries.
Heather-Gail de Souza Heather-Gail de Souza from Nairobi Kenya wrote on 17th October 2021 at 8:32 am
Dear EAA staff , I am a EAA baby born when my late mum Antoinette de Souza (Abreo) worked with EAA. She later joined KQ when EAA closed ...I have a number of her photographs when she was in charge of staff uniforms happy to share. I also have a VC 10 EAA model in my office. My mum passed away 29.8.19 you may contact me on I run my own safari company . I traveled the world because of EAA in my mummies tummy and later .
Eric Morris Eric Morris from Johannesburg wrote on 16th September 2021 at 2:44 pm
Dear Admin, please can you add my grandfather, Captain Eric Edmund Morris to your RIP list? Deceased 01 April 2002 in Margate, South Africa.
roger aves roger aves from DORCHESTER wrote on 5th April 2021 at 3:38 pm
May I ask please what was the passenger config on the SVC-10 I think First Class was 14F seats but what was Y figure in Tourist class/Economy? thanks
Brian West Brian West from Melbourne wrote on 30th March 2021 at 12:08 pm
I join EAA January 1968 as a L.A.M.E working on the Comet 4s then the mighty VC 10. Such a wonderful time, and place, and people. Yes it truly was a lifetime achievement the height of my life..
graham heaton graham heaton from Norwich wrote on 24th February 2021 at 1:41 am
Stu Adams - the same Stu Adam who married Brian Chinnick's big sister ? Long time since the auction days in Kijabe Street. Long time since Paddy Murray, Ian Carton and others played golf at Karen Club. Life in Kenya in the 60s / 70s was something to blessed with.
Andrew Marshall Andrew Marshall from Croydon wrote on 22nd January 2021 at 5:02 pm
I am researching my Grandfather's involvement with East African Airways and was wondering if anyone on the site had any information about him. His name was John Burgoyne Gregg. I believe he was one of the senior engineers. (Chief Engineer?) I know that he was working for EAA in 1953/1954. Prior to working for the airline, he was working for Air Despatch at Cardiff airport and before that at Croydon Airport. I am guessing he joined the airline shortly after it was established. He was born in 1902. Thanking people in advance. Kind regards Andrew Marshall
Jakob Ssendawula Jakob Ssendawula from Kampala wrote on 22nd January 2021 at 2:05 pm
I am glad to have landed on this website. My father Captain James Kiwanuka was a pilot with the EAA. I have noticed that his information is not captured on this website. I would be very glad to help in this regard. Jakob
J Flowerday J Flowerday from Worcester wrote on 18th January 2021 at 6:40 pm
I am researching my grandfathers flying career and would like to know if he ever flew for East African at all. After the second world was we believe he went to East Africa. He flew for Imperial Airways as well as was the pilot on Chamberlains flight to Munich from Hendon in 1938 to meet Adolf Hitler. We know he lived in White River in South Africa for a while as well as Dunnottar Eastern Transvaal. He was flight training there. If anyone has any information would love to hear about it. Thank you
Lorne Anton (Mr) Lorne Anton (Mr) from Scottish Borders. wrote on 6th January 2021 at 5:11 pm
WILSON AIRWAYS, NIAROBI, 1930`s. I`m researching my Molison ancestors who came from Craigendowie, Lethnot and Navar, Angus, Scotland. Second Lieutenant Arthur Grahame Molison won the Military Cross in Somaliland in late 1940 / early 1941. In an article in the Brechin Advertiser, 7/1/1941, about the action it says that Arthur worked for Wilson Airways, Niarobi before the War. I wonder if there are any books / records / photographs that might tell me more? Any help greatly appreciated! Lorne.
Stu Adams Stu Adams from Perth wrote on 13th December 2020 at 2:41 pm
Pleased to see that the EAA guest book is still up and running. Still on the planet and will never forget those EAA days.
gordon osano gordon osano from nairobi wrote on 7th December 2020 at 7:23 am
my father JONATHAN RABALA OSANO , died in 1985 ,was a communication superintendent in EAA.
Thomas 'Tommy' Turk Thomas 'Tommy' Turk from Phuket and Vienna wrote on 18th November 2020 at 4:57 am
A long ramble. As a kid growing up on a farm in the Kenya Highlands, I used to watch with awe as the EAA/BOAC Argonauts brrred and hummed overhead en-route to exotic destinations. After a messy education, (an impulsive dad whipping me out of school to travel for a few years), I dropped out of Princo. Head Master 'Flakey' Fletcher kindly got me into an apprenticeship at EAA in the DC3 prop. shop. After a year there I did 6 months National Service, after which EAA told me they didn't want me any more. Obviously I hadn't learnt the intricacies of balancing those DC3 props! Ambition burnt, having watched DC3 pilots in their khaki Safari outfits come down to the Wilson Airport hangers where I labored, to take DC3s up for test flights. Fast forward.. 5 Years later I was a DC3 F/O. after 9 years a Comet IVc Check Captain, and after 10 years a SVC10 Senior Captain. In 1973 I had Bruce Mackenzie on a flight He was then an EAA Board Member. I knew him from my charter pilot days with Campling Bros, where i often flew him and Tom Mboya. I asked whether rumors of calamity were true. He said.. this country won't pay for this, that one won't pay for that.. and we owe Shell millions of Shillingi. That triggered my move to Cathay Pacific in Hong Kong. After a year there I got into the Fitness Industry.. which i had been doing a sideline all along in Kenya. (Bruce Mackenzie died in an air crash. He had visited Idi Amin at Entebbe, and been given a lion's head as a gift. For reasons unknown, the gift had an altitude-triggered time bomb inside). I'm now Rtd in Thailand and Vienna. I wonder.. if in the far distant future, our great, great grand kids will find this site, and ask for stories about these 'pioneering' guys and gals.
John Betts John Betts wrote on 4th October 2020 at 2:56 pm
I joined in February 1960 as a Station Trainee, was stationed at Nairobi, Entebbe and Dar es Salaam. I became DTO at Nairobi Airport and later was transferred to Head Office as Traffic Standards Officer, which entailed among other things travelling all the routes. I left in 1973 when I joined Air Malawi in Blantyre. Left in 1978 joining BIA in the U.K. and then Air UK. Went to Jeddah in 1982 as Ground Operations Manager for STTB before returning to the UK in 1984 when I joined SITA and remained with them until 2002. Done bits and pieces since then and am now fully retired. Would love to hear from anyone who may remember me.
Paul Brake Paul Brake from Chippenham wrote on 1st August 2020 at 10:53 am
Hi I posted the other date about a complete set of pilots log books that I have acquired. I have just realised that the name I gave was incorrect, the correct pilots name is Charles Neill and not Neill Alexander as I first thought who after the war seems to have spent most of his career with flying in Africa from the early 50's up to the mid 60's. Also I was surprised to find some original photos of Charles during WW2 tucked inside the back cover of the earliest log book. Researching this chaps history is proving to be fascinating and the log books are a fantastic read. Kind regards Paul
Susan nee Jessett Susan nee Jessett from Melbourne Australia wrote on 29th July 2020 at 6:16 am
I worked for a short few years at Embakasi in the mid 60’s. Would love to make contact with any Admin staff who remember me.
Paul Brake Paul Brake from Chippenham wrote on 28th July 2020 at 8:57 am
Hi, I've acquired the complete set of Flying Log books for A Neill Alexander, spanning mid 1940's up to the mid 1960's. He seems to be entries for all the aircraft you have listed in his logs . Fascinating
Paul Lambert Paul Lambert from CAIRNS CITY wrote on 27th March 2020 at 11:18 am
My aunt, Heather Mulroney was an executive for EAA back in the 50's and 60's I would love to hear from anyone who worked with her during this period.
Sarah GOSTLING Sarah GOSTLING from GRIMAUD, FRANCE wrote on 22nd March 2020 at 1:24 pm
Message to Mary NGANGA, would Mr Frasers first name be Barry ???
Mary Nganga Mary Nganga from Milltown wrote on 2nd January 2020 at 12:21 am
I joined EAA as Stewardess in 1970. My Chuef Stewardess was none other than the immaculate looking Una Buchanan. A group of 25 stewards and stewardesses were trained at Embakasi by Mr. Fraser, a happy and jolly Instructor who used to sing to us, "raindrops keep falling on my head...". Who knows what became of Mr. Fraser?
Tristram Carter Tristram Carter from Bath wrote on 18th August 2019 at 5:18 pm
My father, EVH Carter, known to his friends as Nik, was an engineer with East African Airlines in the late 40s and possibly early 50s. Does anyone have any photos that might include my dad? Tall bloke with glasses.