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221 entries.
Carolyne Mumbi King`ori Carolyne Mumbi King`ori wrote on 24th May 2012 at 7:24 am
Elio Marotta Elio Marotta wrote on 23rd May 2012 at 2:26 am
Dear Sirs, I am a survivor passenger of the flight from Nairobi to London, via Addis Abeba which unfortunately crushed at the departure from Addis on 18th april 1972. Has the East african airways still in their archive data about this accident? Can you send me by mail a statement confirming my presence in the list of passengers? I would be grateful of your help. Best regards Elio Marotta
Rusty Bowker-Douglass Rusty Bowker-Douglass wrote on 24th April 2012 at 10:53 pm
I joined EAA as ground engineer at Embakasi in July 1960 and left to become a F/O on DC3's in July 1965 converting to F/O Comet 4's, Captain Twin Otters, F27's and DC9's. great Airline, great people and places. Great Website!!!
Capt David. A. Power Capt David. A. Power wrote on 24th April 2012 at 3:31 pm
Linda Hudson Linda Hudson wrote on 24th April 2012 at 11:13 am
Jambo to all rafikis of Tim and me Linda 
Christopher Lutara Christopher Lutara wrote on 22nd March 2012 at 6:13 am
Hi, my late father Mr. Wilson Okumu Lutara was the Director General of the East African Airways from 1967-1971. Thanks for the site and hope the memories will live on.
Mohamed naqi mughal Mohamed naqi mughal wrote on 21st February 2012 at 3:00 pm
I worked for EAA until 1977 in avionic workshop overhauling electrical components for DC 3,F27,Comet4 ,cv10 ,DC9 & boeing aircraft . They were the best days in my life ,nice weather friendly atmosphear and above all very good friends have good memories at the airport my brother Hanif mughal used to work in avionics workshop, later he moved to ground support section . I knew most of the engineering staff any one out there please contact me will be now in uk for last 30 years
Ronald Leese Ronald Leese wrote on 12th February 2012 at 5:51 pm
 I along with my Dad Les Leese worked for EAA my Dad in the Metal fabrication shop & me in Reservations in Sadler House & Embakasi.We both emigrated to Perth Western Australia.Still miss Nairobi & the good times
steve groombridge steve groombridge wrote on 22nd January 2012 at 10:45 am
My father (Harold Groombridge) worked as the EAA station manager in Aden from 1959-63. I as an 8/9 year old boy used to fly back and forth to boarding school in Nairobi and remember well the odd occasion sitting on a captain's knee "flying the plane" - those were the days. Harold has gone to the clouds to fly his spitfire
Adrian Gower Adrian Gower wrote on 21st January 2012 at 7:53 am
I was surprised to find this site. I flew many times with EAA on their VC-10s, comets and DC-9s when I lived in Nairobi in 1960s and 70s mainly to London and to the Seychelles. Shame it collapsed in 1977. I was at the Banda school and I recall that there were kids there whose parents worked for EAA (Megson, Cowie are names that spring to mind).
Tim Sarginson Tim Sarginson wrote on 10th November 2011 at 7:55 pm
Dave Britchford told me about your site. My father was Cliff Sarginson who worked for EAA from day one until the end. My mother has a box of photos that he took from the early days. The next time that I am in Ireland I will look through them and see what is there for you.
tony labongo tony labongo wrote on 4th November 2011 at 11:10 am
I worked for Eaa in nairobi, 1971-1977, Air tanzania 1978-1981 and uganda Airlines 1981-88,and Jet support Centre,Manston, 1990-92. Now in the UK.
Mohinder Singh Mandair Mohinder Singh Mandair wrote on 4th November 2011 at 10:25 am
I used to work in EAA and then BOAC stores at Nairobi Airport. from 1961-1967.I was a keen hockey player and athelete in Nile House. Played hockey with Kenya olympic players in our team and won lot of trophies.Those were the good old days,miss the weather and lots of friends. Very happy to see your site. Bye all the best.
abidhusein. m.kapasi abidhusein. m.kapasi wrote on 30th October 2011 at 5:48 am
Hi  I use to work with EAA,in Nairobi and Dar-es-salmm,from 1971-1977,I use to work on a/c Dc3,it was on off the happyiest dayes of my life,plase contect me if you need any other info. regards abid
Denis Muli Mutinda Denis Muli Mutinda wrote on 16th October 2011 at 1:35 pm
Greed and foolishness of the politicians in East Africa brought about the death of one of the best regions in Africa. We were ahead of the rest and the western world could not swallow it. Fortunately, there were some idiots in leadership to convince otherwise. Currently, the same is also happening.
Devi Kunniah Devi Kunniah wrote on 11th October 2011 at 10:22 pm
Hi there, Nice to have an EAA site. I worked as cabin crew between 1974-1977. It was great experience.  I have wonderful memories of crew &staffs.. Special thoughts for Capt Ricketts, Rajesh Jetwa, Ms Wambui, Ms Chettiar.... I shall be visiting Nairobi 24-31October and am really thrilled. Will keep in touch...
John Sparkes John Sparkes wrote on 3rd October 2011 at 4:12 am
I worked for EAA until the end of 1976 and had the time of my life. From flying the Twin Otters around the game parks to flying the Frelimo troops in to Lourenco Marques to take over from the Portuguese. A wonderful place to work.
William (Bill) Lennon William (Bill) Lennon wrote on 28th September 2011 at 9:27 am
Great to see EAA have it's own site!
Mary Hines Mary Hines wrote on 18th September 2011 at 1:05 am
Hi David I didn’t work for East African Airways but my cousin Michael (Mike) Rigby did my family and I are trying to contact him as after my uncle died we have no contact details, another cousin also wanted to get in touch with him and his brother, I emailed a couple of people on the website one contacted me and said he knew Mike but had not seen him since the seventies in Harare or one of the African Airports and that Mike was a first officer mentioned in a book about the airline, I have the email of someone whose father was chief purser I believe, I will ask him if you can get in touch with him and if so will forward his email to you I would be interested in anything you could find out regarding my cousin, I hope you can get the information you require for your website Mary Hines
Jane Bussman Jane Bussman wrote on 17th September 2011 at 1:19 pm
Hi there Very nice site! Apparently our place on rhapta road, Nairobi was built as airline staff housing. Are you in touch with any of the staff? I would love to know what the houses used to look like! Many thanks, Jane Bussmann